You can shape the future of bicycling in Iowa

Anyone who has ridden in Iowa can speak to the beautiful rolling hills, pleasant wildlife, and great people. We are fortunate to have such a special place for bicycling, but much of the great potential of Iowa bicycling remains untapped. Since 2004, the Iowa Bicycle Coalition and its members have worked hard to improve policy that protects bicyclist's rights, promote infrastructure plans that build and improve trails, and create education that helps all Iowans appreciate bicycling. The Coalition's focus is determined by our supporters and tackles issues on both state and local levels. Together, we can have a consistent, ideal policy across Iowa to improve the accessibility for all bicyclists.

You can help us push towards a better future for bicycling in Iowa. Your donation today makes you a part of the Coalition where you'll have access to polling on bicycle issues, information about current events, tools and resources for developing bicyclists, and the largest network of bicycle advocates in the state. That same contribution then empowers us to accomplish the work we need to do to turn the ambitions of bicycle advocates like you into reality.

Donate to the Iowa Bicycle Coalition today to spur on our legislative efforts, develop our bicycle education programs, enhance community-building events, and make bicycling safe, accessible, and enjoyable for all.

If you prefer to donate on a recurring monthly schedule, visit

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This information isn't required, but it helps us remain in contact with you. By providing your mobile number you consent to receive cell phone and text communications from the Iowa Bicycle Coalition concerning news and action opportunities.

4. Leave us a note about your donation if you want.

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